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Старый 26.03.2017, 17:14
Аватар для vebfays
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А как это сделать ещё не разобрался, поэтому помогите
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Старый 26.03.2017, 17:17
Аватар для anreas
Регистрация на форуме: 26.03.2017
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СРО это чё такое ?
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Старый 26.03.2017, 17:20
Аватар для starves
Регистрация на форуме: 26.03.2017
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Ммм, это сделать не так уж и просто, нужны специалисты которые вам помогут
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Старый 26.03.2017, 17:23
Аватар для jervasa
Регистрация на форуме: 26.03.2017
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Вот посмотрите на этом сайте sro-rf.ru он довольно известный, поэтому он один из лучших, так как там уже всё проверено )
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Старый 27.10.2017, 12:22
Аватар для limei4rn2
Регистрация на форуме: 07.02.2015
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’ Reuben asked, open-eyed.
‘Why no — not all — by no means all!’ he answered, with a merry laugh; ‘I have a gold Jacobus and a guinea or two in my purse. ’Twill serve [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] for a flask or so yet. There is my silver-hilted rapier, my rings, my gold snuff-box, and my watch by Tompion at the sign of the Three Crowns. It was never bought under a hundred, I’ll warrant. Then there are such relics of grandeur as you see upon my person, though they begin to look as frail and worn as a waiting-woman’s virtue. In this bag, too, I retain the means for preserving that niceness and elegance of person which made me, though I say it, as well groomed a man as ever set foot in St. James’s Park. Here are French scissors, eyebrow brush, toothpick case, patch-box, powder-bag, comb, puff, and my pair of red-heeled shoes. What could a man wish for more? These, with a dry throat, a cheerful heart, and a ready hand, are my whole stock in trade.’
Reuben and I could not forbear from laughing at the curious inventory of articles which Sir Gervas had saved from the wreck of his fortunes. He upon seeing our mirth was so tickled at his own misfortunes, that he laughed in a high treble key until the whole house resounded with his merriment. ‘By the Mass,’ he cried at last, ‘I have never had so much honest amusement out of my prosperity as hath been caused in me by my downfall. Fill up your glasses!’
‘We have still some distance to travel this evening, and must not drink more,’ I observed, for prudence told me that it was dangerous work for two sober country lads to keep pace with an experienced toper.
‘So!’ said [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] he in surprise. ‘I should have thought that would be a “raison de plus,” as the French say. But [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] I wish your long-legged friend would come back, even if he were intent upon slitting my weazand for my attention to the widow. He is not [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] a man to flinch from his liquor, I’ll warrant. Curse this Wiltshire dust that clings to my periwig!’
‘Until my comrade returns, Sir Gervas,’ said I, ‘you might, since the subject does not appear to be a painful one to you, let us know how these evil times, which you bear with such philosophy, came upon you.’
‘The old story!’ he answered, flicking away a few grains of snuff with his deeply-laced cambric handkerchief. ‘The old, old story! My father, a good, easy country baronet, finding the family purse somewhat full, must needs carry me up to town to make a man of me. There as a young lad I was presented [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] at Court, and being a slim active youngster with a pert tongue and assured manner, I caught the notice of the Queen, who made me one of her pages of honour. This post I held until I grew out of it, when I withdrew from town, but egad! [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] I found I must get back to it again, for Beacham Ford Park was as dull as a monastery after the life which I had been living. In town I stayed then with such boon companions as Tommy Lawson, my Lord Halifax, Sir [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] Jasper Lemarck, little Geordie Chichester, aye, and old Sidney Godolphin of the Treasury; for with
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Старый 18.07.2018, 10:10
Аватар для Ivan1978
Регистрация на форуме: 19.04.2018
Сообщений: 26
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Вступить в СРО помогут [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ]. Вы не пишите по какому направлению потому даю ссылку на сайт, а там дальше вы уже сами или с помощью их специалистов.
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Утром не завтракаю - думаю о тебе, днем не обедаю - думаю о тебе, вечером не ужинаю - думаю о тебе, ночью не сплю - есть Guest Новый архив 5 0 17.03.2012 11:45
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