Пожалуйста помогите перевести это предложение - 2 день пытаюсь, и все никак, все мозги уже закипели:So far it has not been possible to determine at which British or Pictish school Drostn was trained. All that is authentic is that "he came off the sea at Aberdour" in northern Aberdeenshire and, after a time, went inland and settled his muinntir (гаэльский в переводе на анг: folks, people, household; relations, friends) at Deer under the sanction of the Pictish mormaor[1] of Buchan, Bede Cruithnech. Bede had at first been hostile to Drostn's settlement but came to accept his presence it time.[1] Право mormaor или mormaer определяло одного из правителей семи областей кельтской Шотландии, то есть части страны к северу от Форса и Клайда.