Народ, вобще в от проблема.Было SMF1.1RC3 решил обновить до 1.3RC3вроде все ОК, но в процессе был такой сбой Updating Settings.php... Successful.Backing up old table data... Backing up "attachments"... Unsuccessful!This query: ALTER TABLE backup_smf_attachments CHANGE COLUMN ID_ATTACH `ID_ATTACH` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment;Caused the error: Error writing file './c1228_smf/#sql-5f44_6e4fc.frm' (Errcode: 122)При попытке перезапуска пишетThe MySQL user you have set in Settings.php does not have proper privileges.Please ask your host to give this user the ALTER, CREATE, and DROP privileges.Click here to try again.Че за фигня?