ежегодная публикация рейтинга медицинских учреждений СШАJuly 21, 2011 US News & World Report's 2011-2012 ranking of the nation's top 50 hospitals for neurology and neurosurgery.The full list of the top 10 hospitals in the United States for neurology and neurosurgery is as follows:1.Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland - (placed first in 4 specialties in addition to neurology and neurosurgery and in the top 5 in 10 others)2.Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota3.Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston4.New YorkPresbyterian University Hospital of Columbia and Cornell, New York City5.University of CaliforniaSan Francisco Medical Center6.Cleveland Clinic, Ohio7.Ronald Reagan University of CaliforniaLos Angeles Medical Center8.Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina9.St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona10.University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pennsylvania