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Старый 04.09.2011, 16:25
Аватар для Guest
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ЦитироватьThe South Atlantic Anomaly is of great significance to astronomical satellites and other spacecraft that orbit the Earth at several hundred kilometers altitude; these orbits take satellites through the anomaly periodically, exposing them to several minutes of strong radiation, caused by the trapped protons in the inner Van Allen belt, each time. The International Space Station, orbiting with an inclination of 51.6, requires extra shielding to deal with this problem. The Hubble Space Telescope does not take observations while passing through the SAA.[7] Astronauts are also affected by this region which is said to be the cause of peculiar 'shooting stars' seen in the visual field of astronauts.[8] Passing through the South Atlantic Anomaly is thought[9] to be the reason for the early failures of the Globalstar network's satellites.NASA has reported that modern laptops have crashed when the space shuttle flights passed though the anomaly.[10]В то же время как спутники у Венеры в открытом космосе летают себе и работают, ведь там вообще нет магнитного поля, как там решается эта проблема?
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