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Старый 30.08.2017, 13:26
Аватар для VeqQuy
Регистрация на форуме: 02.04.2017
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Хочу прогуляться, шопинг, отдых все дела
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Старый 30.08.2017, 13:40
Аватар для Susanoo
Регистрация на форуме: 02.04.2017
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Как то приложение на телефон называеться, там есть и для ресторанов и для бутиков и т.д загугли
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Старый 30.08.2017, 13:45
Аватар для MiXaNiK
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Ну да, оно как то называлось типа вики или кики, блин хоть убей но не помню
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Старый 30.08.2017, 13:52
Аватар для FazZzy2b
Регистрация на форуме: 02.04.2017
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Не надо никаких приложений, там же всё проплачено, нормальные места не показывает, потому что не заплатили. Вот вам хороший сайт - trk-londonmall.ru там можно найти всё что хочешь
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Старый 10.12.2017, 02:45
Аватар для limei4rn2
Регистрация на форуме: 07.02.2015
Возраст: 45
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he reward resulting from good conduct in the general. And as to this matter of slavery, in which I think that they have blundered both politically and morally, has it not been found impossible hitherto for them to cleanse their hands of that taint? But that which they could not do for themselves the course of events is doing for them. If secession establish herself, though it [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] be only secession of the Gulf States, the people of the United States will soon be free from slavery.
In judging of the success or want of success of any political institutions or of any form of government, we should be guided, I think, by the general results, and not by any abstract rules as to the right or wrong of those institutions or of that form. It might be easy for a German lawyer to show that our [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] system of trial by jury is open to the gravest objections, and that it sins against common sense. But if that system gives us substantial justice, and protects us from the tyranny of men in office, the German will not succeed in making us believe that it is a bad system. When looking [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] into the matter of the schools at Boston, I observed to one of the committee of management that the statements with which I was supplied, though they told me how many of the children went to school, did not tell me how long [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] they remained at school. The gentleman replied that that information was to be obtained from the result of the schooling of the population generally. Every boy and girl around him could read [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] and [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] write, and could enjoy reading and writing. There was therefore evidence to show that they remained at school sufficiently long for the required purposes. It was fair that I should judge of the system from the results. Here, in England, we generally object to much that the Americans have adopted into their form of government, and think that [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] many of their political theories are wrong. We do not like universal suffrage. We do not like a periodical change in the first magistrate; and we like quite as little a periodical permanence in the political of
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Старый 10.12.2017, 05:18
Аватар для Alisa876
Регистрация на форуме: 08.07.2017
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на трипадвизор можете глянуть) там много кафе и ресторанов)
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Старый 14.12.2017, 10:06
Аватар для limei6yj0
Регистрация на форуме: 23.02.2015
Возраст: 38
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ere you may have hastily supposed she would find a new bonnet. Not at all. Such a supposition could only have arisen from a too-superficial [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] acquaintance with the [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] habits of the Dodson family. In this wardrobe Mrs. Pullet was seeking something small enough to be hidden among layers of linen — it was a door-key.
“You must come with me into the best room,” said Mrs. Pullet.
“May the children come too, sister?” inquired Mrs. Tulliver, who saw that Maggie and Lucy were looking rather eager.
“Well,” said aunt Pullet, reflectively, “it’ll perhaps be safer for ’em to come; they’ll be touching something if we leave ’em behind.”
So they went in procession along the bright and slippery corridor, dimly lighted by the semi-lunar top of the window which rose above the closed shutter; it was really quite solemn. Aunt Pullet paused and unlocked a door which opened on something still more solemn than the passage — a darkened room, in which the outer light, entering feebly, showed what looked like the corpses of furniture in white shrouds. Everything that was not shrouded stood with its legs upward. Lucy laid hold of Maggie’s frock, and Maggie’s heart beat rapidly.
Aunt Pullet half-opened the shutter and then unlocked the wardrobe, with a melancholy deliberateness which was quite in keeping with the funereal solemnity of the scene. The delicious scent of rose-leaves that issued from [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] the wardrobe made the process of taking out sheet after sheet of silver paper quite pleasant to assist at, though the sight of the [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] bonnet at last was an anticlimax to Maggie, who would have preferred something more strikingly preternatural. But few things could have been more impressive to Mrs. Tulliver. She looked all round it in silence for some moments, and then said emphatically, “Well, sister, I’ll never speak against the full crowns again!”
It was a great concession, and Mrs. Pullet felt it; she [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] felt something was due to it.
“You’d like to see it on, sister?” she said sadly. “I’ll open the shutter a bit further.”
“Well, if you don’t mind taking off your cap, sister,” said Mrs. Tulliver.
Mrs. Pullet took off her cap, displaying the brown silk scalp with a jutting promontory of curls which was common to the more mature and judicious women of those times, and placing the bonnet on her head, turned slowly round, like a draper’s lay-figure, that Mrs. Tulliver might miss no point of view.
“I’ve sometimes thought there’s a loop too much o’ [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] ribbon on this left side, sister; what do you think?” said Mrs. Pullet.
Mrs. Tulliver looked earnestly at the point indicated, and turned her head on one side. “Well, I think it’s best as it is; if you meddled with it, sister, you might repent.”
“That’s true,” said aunt Pullet, taking off the bonnet and looking at it contemplatively.
“How much might she charge you for that [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] bonnet, sister?” said Mrs. Tulliver, whose mind was actively engaged on the possibility of getting a humble imitation of this chef-
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