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Старый 27.01.2012, 18:49
Аватар для Guest
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Оправдан ли он с финансовой точки зрения? Может быть проще купить нормальную подержанную иномарку?
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Старый 09.03.2012, 11:56
Аватар для Banis
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С финансовой точки зрения это невыгодно( сколько денег в шестерку не вбухай с veyron'ом не сравнишь) но у кого-то это называется патриотизм, а кому-то интересен сам процесс(не имеется ввиду сдать в тюнинг-ателье)
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Старый 09.03.2012, 12:54
Аватар для Motow
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Однозначно не стоит с вазом этим замарачиваться.Не стоит оно того.Видел один запорожец с тюнингом,вы знаете,как чудовишно всё это смотрелось,аот и ваз не далеко от этого уйдет,подержанная иномарка будет получше смотреться.
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Старый 10.03.2012, 07:10
Аватар для KDS
KDS KDS вне форума
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Если тебе нравится свой ВАЗ, то почему бы не заняться его тюнингом, как внешне так и по железу? С финансовой точки зрения он выгоден не будет, так как своих потраченных денег ты не отобъешь точно при продаже. Тюнинг ВАЗа - это для души и собственного комфорта, а не для заработка.
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Старый 11.04.2017, 04:54
Аватар для korsa
Регистрация на форуме: 30.03.2017
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Затонировать полюбому надо zatonirui.ru/
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Старый 01.11.2017, 08:04
Аватар для Bogard
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Сообщение от korsa Посмотреть сообщение
Затонировать полюбому надо
Да тонировка многое играет
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Старый 01.11.2017, 08:06
Аватар для Maluda
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Сообщение от Guest Посмотреть сообщение
Оправдан ли он с финансовой точки зрения? Может быть проще купить нормальную подержанную иномарку?

Ну вот тут советовали тонировку сделать, за эти деньги что на нее потратите нормальной машины вы уж точно не купите поэтому держитесь за то что у вас есть. А тонировку вам тут могут сделать https://www.tonirovkauao.ru
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Старый 01.11.2017, 08:07
Аватар для Vano30
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Ара тюнинг))))
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Старый 06.12.2017, 16:23
Аватар для limei6yj0
Регистрация на форуме: 23.02.2015
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and town councillors of the Phaeacians, that I may speak even as I am minded. This stranger, whoever he may be, has [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] found his way to my house from somewhere or other either East or West. He wants an escort and wishes to have the matter settled. Let us then get one ready for him, as we have done for others before him; indeed, no one who ever yet came to my house has been able to complain of me for not speeding on his way soon enough. Let us draw a ship into the sea — one that has never yet made a [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] voyage — and man her with two and [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] fifty of our smartest young sailors. Then when you have made fast your oars each by his own seat, leave the ship and come to my house to prepare a feast. I will find you in everything. [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] I am giving will these instructions to the young men who will form the crew, for as regards you aldermen and town councillors, you will join me in entertaining our guest in the cloisters. I can take no excuses, and we will have Demodocus to sing to us; for there is no bard like him whatever he may choose to sing about.”
Alcinous then led the way, and the others followed after, while a servant went to fetch Demodocus. The fifty-two picked oarsmen went [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] to the sea shore as they had been told, and when they got there they drew the ship into the water, got her mast and sails inside her, bound the oars to the thole-pins with twisted thongs of leather, all in due course, and spread the white sails aloft. They moored the vessel a little way out from land, and then [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] came on [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] shore and went to the house of King Alcinous. The outhouses, yards, and all the precincts were filled with crowds of men in great multitudes both old and young; and Alcinous killed them a dozen sheep, eight full grown pigs, and two oxen. These they skinned and dressed so as to provide a magnificent banquet.
A servant presently led in the famous bard Demodocus, whom the muse had dearly loved, but to whom she had given both good and evil, for though she had endowed him with a divine gift of song, she had robbed him of his eyesight. Pont
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Старый 05.02.2018, 13:30
Аватар для limei6yj0
Регистрация на форуме: 23.02.2015
Возраст: 38
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ing of France. [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] Now that our military successes have secured us against all fear of attack, we have happily lost that bitter religious hatred but for which Oates and Dangerfield would have lied in vain.
In the days when I was young, special causes had inflamed this dislike and made it all the more bitter because there was a spice of fear mingled with it. As long as the Catholics were only an obscure faction they might be ignored, but when, towards the close of the reign of the second Charles, it appeared to be absolutely certain that a Catholic dynasty was about to fill the throne, and that Catholicism was to be the court religion and the stepping-stone to preferment, it was felt that a day of vengeance might be at hand for those [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] who had trampled upon it when it was defenceless. There was alarm and uneasiness amongst all classes. The Church of England, which depends upon the monarch as an arch depends upon the keystone; the nobility, whose estates and coffers had been enriched by the plunder of the abbeys; the mob, whose ideas of Papistry were [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] mixed up with [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] thumbscrews and Fox’s Martyrology, were all equally disturbed. [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] Nor was the prospect a hopeful one for their cause. Charles was a very lukewarm Protestant, and indeed showed upon his deathbed that he was no Protestant at all. There was no longer any chance of his having legitimate offspring. The Duke of York, his younger brother, was therefore heir to the throne, and he was known to be an austere and narrow Papist, while his spouse, Mary of Modena, was as bigoted as himself. Should they have children, there could be no question but that they would be brought up in the faith of their parents, and that a line of Catholic monarchs would occupy the throne of England. To the Church, as represented by my mother, and to Nonconformity, in the person of my father, this was an equally intolerable prospect.
I have been telling you all this old history because you will find, as I go on, that this state of things caused in the end such a seething and fermenting throughout the nation that even I, a [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] simple village lad, was dragged into the whirl and had my whole life influenced by it. If I did not make the course of events clear to [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] you, you would hardly understand the influences which had such an effect upon my whole history. In the meantime, I wish you to remember that when King James II. ascended the throne he did so amid a sullen silence on the part of a large class of his subjects, and that both my father and my mother were among those who were zealous for a Protestant succession.
My childhood was, as I have already said, a gloomy one. Now and again when there chanced to be a fair at Portsdown Hill, or when a passing raree showman set up his booth in the village, my dear mother would slip a penny or two from her housekeeping money into my hand, and with a warning finger upon her lip would send me off to see the sights. These treats were, however, rare events, and made such a mark upon my mind, that when I was sixteen years of age I could have checked off upon my fin
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