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Старый 22.08.2017, 17:43
Аватар для Ayzik
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Собака немецкая овчарка 2 года, какой лучше всего корм для неё будет и где его можно взять ?
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Старый 22.08.2017, 17:54
Аватар для Ghostbuster
Регистрация на форуме: 02.04.2017
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Старый 22.08.2017, 17:59
Аватар для Susanoo
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Ну сухой корм, не важно какой, можно самый дешёвый
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Старый 22.08.2017, 18:09
Аватар для [Cr1sTaL]
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Да что вы говорите ? Не любой корм подойдёт для разных собак. Я знаю место где можно подобрать хороший корм. Вот их сайт - zootovar-spb.ru
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Старый 20.12.2017, 22:21
Аватар для limei4rn2
Регистрация на форуме: 07.02.2015
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which shares with another thing the greater number or the more important of the attributes (each of them one of two contraries) in respect of which things are capable of altering, is like that other thing. The senses of ‘unlike’ are opposite to those of ‘like’.
Book V Chapter 10
The term ‘opposite’ is applied to contradictories, and to contraries, and to relative terms, and to privation and possession, and to the extremes from which and into which generation and dissolution take place; and the attributes that cannot be present at the same time in that which is receptive of both, are said to be opposed,-either themselves of their constituents. Grey and white colour do [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] not belong at the same time to the same thing; hence their constituents are opposed.
The term ‘contrary’ is applied (1) to those attributes differing in [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] genus which cannot belong at the same time to the same subject, (2) to the most different of the things in the same genus, (3) to the most different of the attributes in the same recipient subject, (4) to the most different of the [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] things that fall under the same faculty, (5) to the things whose difference is greatest either absolutely or in genus or in species. The other things that are called contrary are so called, some because they possess contraries of the above kind, some because they are receptive of such, some because they are productive of or susceptible to such, or are producing or suffering them, or are losses or acquisitions, or possessions or privations, of such. Since ‘one’ and ‘being’ have many senses, the other terms which are derived from these, and therefore ‘same’, ‘other’, and ‘contrary’, must correspond, so that they must be different for each category.
The term ‘other in species’ is applied to things which being of the same genus are not subordinate the one to the other, or which being in the same genus have a difference, or [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] which have a contrariety in their substance; and contraries are other than one another in species (either all contraries or those which are so called in the primary sense), and so are those things whose definitions differ in the infima species of the genus (e.g. man and horse [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] are indivisible in genus, but their definitions are different), and those which being in the same substance have a difference. ‘The same in species’ has the various meanings opposite to these.
Book V Chapter 11
The words ‘prior’ and ‘posterior’ are applied (1) to some things (on the assumption that there is a first, i.e. a beginning, in each class) because they [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] are nearer some beginning determined either absolutely and by nature, or by reference to something or in some place or by certain people; e.g. things are prior in place because they are nearer either to some place determined by nature (e.g. the middle or the last place), or to some chance object; and that which is farther is posterior.-Other things are prior in time; some by being farther from the present, i.e. in the case of past events (for the [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] Trojan war is prior to the
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Старый 21.01.2018, 21:53
Аватар для limei4rn2
Регистрация на форуме: 07.02.2015
Возраст: 45
Сообщений: 92
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as too late for them. An offer was made to us through the kindness of Sir Edmund Head, who was then the Governor-General, of the use of a steam-tug belonging to a gentleman who carries on a large commercial enterprise at Chicoutimi, far up the Saguenay; but an acceptance of this offer would have entailed some delay at Quebec, and, as we were anxious to get into the Northwestern States before the winter commenced, we were obliged with great regret to decline the journey.
I feel bound to say that a stranger, regarding Quebec merely as a town, finds very much of which he cannot but complain. The footpaths through the streets are almost entirely of wood, as indeed seems to be general throughout Canada. Wood is, of course, the cheapest material; and, though it may not be altogether good for such a purpose, it would not create animadversion [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] if it were kept in tolerable order. But in Quebec the paths are intolerably [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] bad. They are full of holes. The [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] boards are rotten, and worn in some places to dirt. The nails have gone, and the broken planks go up and down under the [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] feet, and in the dark they are absolutely dangerous. But if the paths are bad, the road-ways are worse. The street through [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] the lower town along the quays is, I think, the most disgraceful thoroughfare I ever saw in any town. I believe the whole of it, or at any rate a great portion, has been paved with wood; but the boards have been worked into mud, and the ground under the boards has been worked into holes, till the street is more like the bottom of a filthy [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] ditch than a road-way through one of the most thickly populated parts of a city. Had Quebec in Wolfe’s time been as it is now, Wolfe would have stuck in the mud between the [Ссылки могут видеть только зарегистрированные пользователи. ] river and the rock before he reached the point which he desired to climb. In the upper town the roads are not as bad as they are below, but still they are very bad. I was told that this arose from disputes among the municipal corporations. Everything in Canada relating to roads, and a very great deal affecting the internal gover
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